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In Loving Memory Decal Memorials

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In loving memory graphics
(NEW MSG: 1-15-2025) Can you believe it is 2025! Happy New Year. Celebrating 25 PLUS years in business. Still installing car audio daily, and shipping vinyl graphics orders worldwide every weekday. Order now or contact us to inquire about your custom sticker decal creation now.
Our Facebook Page may show your decals being made. We photograph and post most of our decal creations! With us... you are not just a customer, YOU'RE FAMILY!
See our blog posts: Surprised her with graphics!Jun.7th.2020 | Ass FamilyFeb.12th.2020 | They did it!Jan.24th.2020 | Mess up my PAINT?Jan.21st.2020 | 5 Cool Decals!Jan.16th.2020 | Create Family StickersJan.13th.2020 |
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Your selected: Angel Wings Halo In Loving Memory Decal
Use the Options Below to Customize it with your personal text, vinyl color, and decal size.

Item Name: AngelWingsHalo_2Q2GZ
Decal design was added: Nov 2017
AngelWingsHalo_2Q2GZ In Loving Memory Decal Main Image

"This In Loving Memory is Personalized Memorial Decal with Angel Wings and a Halo. Keywords: Angelic, Angel Baby Loving Memory, Halo Memory Decal, Baby Loving Memory."

Enter custom text clear options

Your personal text: (Change)

In Loving Memory
Enter Name Here

Decal color: Your selected Vinyl Color Swatch Default: White (Change)

Default Size 12.0" wide x 5.8" tall

Font/Lettering Style: As Shown (Change)

Quantity: 1 Decal(s) (Change)

quantity discounts
Click button for more info. Buy more of this same design with the same options chosen and get a HUGE discount!


12.0" x 5.8"  

Default: White  

As Shown  

1 Decal(s)  
choose decal size choose decal color choose decal font choose decal quantity

YES, I want a sample Proof

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NO, I do NOT want a Sample Proof

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If you choose this option we will create your sample proof within about an hour after your successful payment during business hours. See the "myorder" page to view your sample proof. We will send an email with a link to the "myorder" page when the sample proof is ready.

TIP: The "myorder" page can also be found by using the last link on the main menu on the left on our home page. Remember to write down your order number when you check out.

How do I approve it?
Approve your sample by using the link on the "myorder" page, and get your decal shipped (3) days earlier.
** After (3) days we might ship automatically. If we absolutely have to contact you we may hold order longer.

Will changes affect time I get order?
Yes, it's possible that a change could delay your order by a little bit. This is because we have to make the change then wait again on your approval. Check your spelling and make sure that's how you want it before adding to cart.

Why do we create a sample?
We want to make sure everything is correct and we usually tidy up the design a little too. All this is done by eye. No two decals are alike!

What is allowed to be changed?
  • We can fix spelling errors.
  • We can sometimes adjust size of decal slightly. Tiny size changes smaller are usually ok, larger sizes could increase the price.
  • We can change color if it doesn't affect the price.
What can NOT to be changed?
  • Design changes to the memorial decal can not be made. Please make sure you want to order that decal before adding to cart. It may be possible to slightly tweak a design so feel free to ask.
  • We can not draw a custom member to replace one.
  • Size changes that make the decal larger (But we may be able to do this for a revised price)

If you think you'll need a change?
Keep and eye out for our emails. If you don't receive our email with a link to your myOrder page then contact us asap.

I need more time?
If your going to be out, or need more time let us know and we will put the order on hold for you.

note If you don't approve your sample, or if we don't hear from you, we will create and send order after (3) days. So...please respond to the sample proof email and get your decal shipped (3) days early!

noteWe are not responsible for an incorrect order due to a change that comes too late. It's always best to communicate with us if you feel you are going need a change.

(Only orders from this website are eligable for a FREE sample proof)

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If you choose not to include a sample proof with your order we can usually create and ship right away. If we are not clear on something we may have to send a sample proof anyways, or at the least send you an email with a question

Some TIPS to note when choosing NOT to have a sample proof:
  • We will do our best to create the decal with the options you've entered. Each decal gets it's own very focused attention time to make sure it looks the best it possibly can!

  • After decal arrives you can not return and have a change made. No returns on these custom orders. Please understand.

  • Decal will appear similar as shown in the sample preview above on the page.

  • If there is something we need to know please tell us at the same time you submit order. We can not read minds. Otherwise choose the sample proof option.

note Keep an eye out for an email from us. We still might have a question or send a sample proof if we are not clear on something about your order.

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