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find wally get 10% off orders over $20
(NEW MSG: 7-7-2024) We are back from our short summer break and again shipping orders daily. Thank you for your patience.
See our Facebook page for a chance to see your order being made. ONLINE ORDERS SHIP DAILY. With us you're not just a customer, YOU'RE FAMILY! Shipping now!
See our blog posts: Surprised her with graphics!Jun.7th.2020 | Ass FamilyFeb.12th.2020 | They did it!Jan.24th.2020 | Mess up my PAINT?Jan.21st.2020 | 5 Cool Decals!Jan.16th.2020 | Create Family StickersJan.13th.2020 |
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Links to some products and services.

Sometimes relevant sometimes not. A few good people and businesses offering great services and products. Some of the contact information might be out of date. I will try to keep this page updated as often as I can.

diverse decals

Diverse Decals! for choice picks of our favorite popular decals

This is a new site we created to put together a collection of some of the most popular decals. Some of the decals are kits such as our Rebel Flag Go-Cart Confederate Dukes of Hazzard style decal kit that includes a vinyl squeegee. There are many sets of 2 decals, one for each side. Affordable prices and quality vinyl materials will keep your coming back for more!

zombie family stickers!

my zombie family sticker preview

Want a wild decal that will freak EVERYONE out? Of course you can order a one of a kind gross and disgusting Zombie Family Decal here on our website. I also had a great time creating a dedicated website that only has zombie and monster family decals. Give it a try. The designs are unique and designed by Joe Mendi and I. Exclusive Zombie Family Stickers not found anywhere else in the world. Get a very unique zombie family sticker. And Yes, I have one on my Truck also!

3cbo custom chessboard with Rebel Flag Decal Style

Custom made game boards made by Mark Steffon at
Check em out! You'll really have to see to believe. An amazing personal gift idea.
You can also find Bass Wood Checkeers & Oak Backgammon sets, all personalized!

Joe's Custom Cornhole Boards

Made using vinyl decals both printed and die cut and only the best materials.
Custom designs, fast turn around.

joes cornhole boards

Need a good free web browser that works better than the rest. Use the browser I use.
I recommend either FireFox or Google Chrome for this website, designed fully by me and tested in both.
Use Google to find either, download for free, then expect the best web browsing experience.

Bad Ass Screenprinting
When you need T-shirts in quantity and quality - CHEAP!
Call Tony at 915-479-4401
(This link/info is over 5 years old)

joggers Joint
When you need T-shirts in Quantity at affordable prices!
Located in El Paso on Dyer Street.
Call 915-562-4629

Or visit them on the web at
(This link/info is over 5 years old)

a few of my customers - good people

This last image if of some of my past clients and friends. These are very good people to do business with. Thanks to all my customers!! Note photo is very old. Will update soon.
(Note: This link/info graphic is over 5 years old)

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